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About losing my shell
At the end of June I had my 1:1 day with my mentor M. It was WONDERFUL!!!
I came intuitively unprepared 🙂 What I thought we would do is make a plan to bring my patterns business to the next level. That’s how it looked for the first half of the day. We talked about all sorts of things and I answered a trillion questions that made me look at myself in a different way. It was after a short break that M asked me the million dollar question… The heavens opened, angels began to sing and I saw my North Star. My deepest desire chose that moment to surface and I felt a weight lifted from my shoulders that I didn’t know was there.
We talked some more. I asked some questions that I needed to answer myself and M asked me a couple of thousand more. We broke things down. Now I know where I stand and where I want to go. I processed most of it yesterday and today I’m creating a map to reach my destination. Starting today I am on my way to make my dream a reality. I’m giving myself permission to play and earn a living doing what I love most, creating art. I will still be a graphic & surface designer but being an artist comes first.
I finally opened my eyes and now I’m able to see what has been right in front of me for the longest time… Yesterday morning I stumbled upon this quote by Tony Robbins too:
“As soon as you truly commit to making something happen, the ‘how’ wil reveal itself.”
In the past figuring out the ‘how’ was what stopped me from moving forward. It was an excuse to not go for it. It wasn’t the fear of ‘what if it goes wrong’, but the fear for ‘what if it goes right’ that made me stay in my shell.
Don’t get me wrong I’m still nervous for the road ahead, but I’m not scared to come out of my shell any more. Big difference. I’m excited and look forward to share my expedition with you. I love the fact that we are all here for similar things but traveling our own path. It inspires and motivates me. Thank you.

About my painting: I was painting this when a fellow artist in my coaching group asked a question about money and creative space. I wanted to manifest my own atelier and decided to paint it. Now I realize this shell isn’t what I need to find, it is something I need to let go off…